The Wingellina Project is located within the Ngaanyatjarra Native Title Determination (WAD6004/2004), an area of 9.8 million hectares, which also hosts an Aboriginal A-Class Reserve (A17614).
The Yarnangu Ngaanyatjarraku Parna Aboriginal Corporation is the Prescribed Body Corporate (PBC) that holds Native Title over the Determination area.
The Ngaanyatjarra Land Council has a 99-year lease over the Aboriginal A-Class Reserve (A17614), within which the Wingellina Project is located.
The Ngaanyatjarra Council is the agent for both the Ngaanyatjarra Land Council and Yarnangu Ngaanyatjarra Parna Aboriginal Corporation.
The Wingellina Project is proximal to the Irrunytju community (also known as Wingellina) and is named after a site of significance located in the Wingellina Hills to the south of the community.
Irrunytju was established when the International Nickel Company (INCO) ceased exploration and left behind its exploration camp and associated water bores in the early 1970’s. The facilities were progressively utilised by the Traditional Owners and over time the community has evolved to include a store, art centre, media centre, school, medical centre, airstrip and approximately 37 residences.
Residents were extensively consulted during the early phases of Project development, and Nico has continued this practice. A strong relationship has been forged between Nico personnel and the Traditional Owners on firm foundations of open and effective communication, honesty, respect, and inclusivity.
Nico’s support for the community is integrated into everyday operations through:
- Provision of casual employment.
- Provision of resources and essential goods and services.
- Procurement of goods and services from local businesses.
- Support for school programs, arts, and sport.